Tuesday, 1 January 2013

happy new year

we celebrated the last breaths of 2012 in the middle of the countryside on the shropshire/welsh border with family and dear friends. a rather more sedate new year than of previous occasions but no less memorable. Pip joined us for the earlier part of the evening, charming everyone with her lovely dress and big girl pig tails before passing out in a travel cot in the drawing room doorway so that we could eat our meal and play word games until 12am. after ringing in the new year, we took the photo of the two of us. we stood by Pip's cot, marvelling that it was no longer her birth year, that she was no longer really a baby. and then caught sight of ourselves in the mirror in the hallway. "and we're no longer teenagers" mused Marto. i stared back at our reflection and realised he was right (and not just because i wasn't wearing any make-up).

the rest of these photos were taken walking this morning. finally the rain of the last few weeks stopped and the brightest, lightest winter sun took it's place. the kind that shows up every flaw but also raises the spirits. just what new year's day needs, really, I think.

and, as the year commences, the mind turns to resolutions for the coming 12 months. and having read quite a few blogs over the course of today, my own are essentially a reoccurring theme (at the bottom if you're interested).

13 for 2013

(12 for 2012 I never posted but 11 for 2011 is here and not much seems to have changed)

. more de-cluttering. successful de-cluttering. more must leave than arrives.
. a home for everything (and that doesn't just mean better storage)
. buy  less (but only beautiful things)
. go to bed earlier
. less take-away coffees
. less procrastinating
. set up business with my sister
. sort out career/income
.read more
. browse internet less (but blog more)
. decide what to do about a sibling for Pip
. be a 'better' wife and mother
. reduce 'worries' list


Jeremy said...

Like you list. Some there I could use. Thanks.

Marie said...

Happy New Year R! So glad to hear you had a lovely time and brought the new year in in style. I love your 13 for 2013, there are definitely quite a few on there which I really should put somewhere prominent for me to remember, especially the first three! Wishing you all the very best for 2013, xx

unfounddoor said...

'browse internet less' - me too! but I do love it so... and I periodically get great stuff from it(not just my encyclopaedic knowledge of random pop culture) so I find it too easy to justify. I might start actually setting say a 30 minute time limit for internet frittering...

Like your list and (although Mister G was born Nov 2011 so is a little older) the realisation that he's a *toddler* not a baby now kills me.

unfounddoor said...

(ha. not to be melodramatic or anything;)