Husband and I went to Paris for Easter. We stayed at Mama Shelter in the 20th, went to a gig, ate late suppers and drank wine in a local wine bar, drank cocktails, smoked gauloise, drank coffee, walked miles, ate macaroons, ate the most amazing meal at Le Chateaubriand, watched Frenchmen play boules and sat in the sunshine.

Delilah arrived. She wouldn't say anything when she first came in. Now, she has a variety of miaows for each and every occasion and uses them all frequently and repeatedly. She thinks supper time is anytime from lunchtime onwards and I can't imagine how we lived before she was with us.
My nephew arrived. My sister got married.
I would love to share photos but they are not mine to share.
After a weekend in Cornwall, we found out that i was pregnant.
All photos by me using various iPhone apps.
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