Monday, 12 December 2011

Just a minute in December

Trying to get back into blogging. I can't believe the last time I posted a 'just a minute' post was August. Then again, August was when life turned a bit crazy. Those of you who have been following me on twitter will already know this, but things have been quiet around here for good reason. Alright, not quiet, nigh on silent. In August I found out I was pregnant and we are expecting a baby in April.

Weeks 8-16 were pretty awful from a feeling disgusting and being sick point of view. It was all I could do to get through a working week, let alone do things like blog and see friends. We went on holiday and pretty much all I wanted to do was sleep, or lie down. That said, it was a great trip, and good timing in that it was weeks 8-10 so I could sleep as much as I needed.

I'm now almost at the end of week 21. We've had two successful scans and I'm starting to feel the baby move. For those that are interested in that kind of thing, I've been writing more candidly about the baby and impending motherhood at a new space called Pip. Come over and say hello!

And for those that aren't - don't worry, I will be posting only limited baby things here and aim to be returning to my usual mix of vintage, shopping, weddings and general musings.

And now back to the post...

Reading...  A great stack of pregnancy books, mostly loaned, gifted and bought on Amazon. Including The Happiest Baby on the Block, What to Expect When You're Expecting and Baby Names. However, now that we are safely past 20 weeks, I really should start reading something about birth. Unless my A Practical Wedding book arrives first, in which case, everything else can wait.
Watching... Pan Am. I've thoroughly enjoyed this light hearted period drama from the American 60s following the stories of 4 Pan American flight attendances. I was so shocked at the racism though; I cannot believe that the world was actually like that. And, of course, I have been following Strictly Come Dancing. What is there not to like - dancing and sparkles.
Listening... To soothing choral music. Mixed with a good dose of Alice in Chains.
Buying... New clothes to suit my new shape, where possible non-maternity as I am really struggling to find stylish and interesting maternity clothes on a reasonable budget. A few bits and pieces for the baby, mostly from ebay.
Loving... Winter. The fact that Delilah has started sitting on the sofa next to me.
Wanting... To see my friends. More culture. Snow.
Just a minute - an occasional series of posts inspired by Talking to Unicorns (who was inspired by Daydream Lily). Just a Minute was started by August Street back in 2007.


Unknown said...

Congratulations! How exciting a baby!

Zoë {Conversation Pieces} said...

Oh congratulations! Sorry to hear you've had an awful time of it though x

Michelle said...

Such lovely news, so pleased for you. Ina May Gaskin is good to read on birth. xx

Rosalie said...

Congratulations! You have my deepest sympathy on the sickness weeks. I'm kind of glad that (I think) I will now never go through a first trimester again! Am due in March. Looking forward to reading Pip.

Hannah Vokes - Director of iced said...

Huge congratulations Rachel, that's such lovely news! loads of love H xxxxxxxxxxxxxx