Monday 24 August 2009

The blood, the sweat, the tears...

I've been having trouble posting here recently. I am waiting for news of a second interview that I went for that wasn't in London. I have done all I can. I now wait for news to tell me whether our move "to the countryside" is happening now or is still a faraway dream. One phone call & either we stay & I am jobless, or we go & we enter a time of commuting & spending weeknights apart. Neither option is fantastic but both have their pros. Half of me can't even believe we are contemplating leaving London when we love it so much, but the other half reminds me that to live, one must work. To enjoy living, one must enjoy their work, and so a law job it must be. Even if it is not in London.

So that is why posts have been few & far between. It's hard to come up with things when you are waiting for the phone to ring.


On Sunday, I met Christina from Steady Happy. It was so great to meet her & her wife, Patty. She came to the vintage shop where I help out on Sundays and we chatted away for ages. That's one of the things I love so much about blogging. In any other life Christina and I would never have met: she lives in LA, me in London (for now). But we did, and they were fab. (and I am very jealous. they are off to Paris to see Faith no More). Talking to Christina about music made me realise I am somewhat of a lapsed music fan these days. Heavy metal used to be my favourite - can you tell? - but the last proper metal gig I went to was Machine Head about 3 years ago. (Bob Dylan, Neil Young & The Flaming Lips were all more recent but not so heavy...). So today I have been listening to some forgotten music whilst I work {'work'} and the words have started to come back.



Marie-Ève said...

Good luck! I would love to hear all about your hypothetical move to the coutryside...

And heavy metal, really? You're right, I would have never guessed! :-)

cara said...

It's so nerve racking sitting waiting for news. Keeping everything crossed for you. xx