Sunday 1 March 2009

'February' Food Challenge: Something Pink

Pink Pancakes, originally uploaded by rachel-catherine.

Don't they look hideous? For this month's challenge I chose to make something normal and dye them pink with a spot of red food colouring. The oddest thing was despite them looking rather grotesque and as if sweeties should ooze out of them, they actually tasted just like normal.

And here's how to do it yourself if you are brave enough:

In a mixing bowl sieve 135g of self-raising flour, add two tablespoons of caster sugar, half a teaspoon of salt and 1 egg. Whisk together and slowly add 130 ml of milk. Then add a few drops of red food colouring and marvel at how horrid the batter appears. Heat a heavy frying pan with a little oil and when sizzling hot drop in a ladle full of batter. Let one side brown off and then flip over. When cooked slide onto a plate and add a small piece of butter. Repeat until you have a stack, and then eat.

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